Sunday 5 May modify and suspension of traffic in Viale Italia
Effective from 10.30 am on 5 May 2024 for the time strictly necessary to passage of participants on the following road sections affected from time to time:
• the establishment of the temporary suspension of traffic in Piazza Dante, Viale Giosuè Carducci, via De Larderel, piazza della Repubblica, via Grande in the stretch between Piazza della Repubblica and Piazza Grande, Piazza Grande, Via Grande in the stretch between piazza Grande and piazza Giuseppe Micheli, piazza Giuseppe Micheli, via Enrico Cialdini, Adriano Novi Lena airports, via Gaetano D'Alesio, piazza Luigi Orlando. Traffic during the aforementioned itinerary will be regulated by the Local Police Officers of Municipality of Livorno. Effective from 11.00 to 13.00 on 5 May 2024
-the establishment of a ban on vehicular transit on Viale Italia in the stretch between the square Luigi Orlando and Piazza Giuseppe Emanuele Modigliani, except for the bicycles participating in the event aforementioned initiative, without prejudice to a connecting lane in the stretch between the street Carlo Meyer and via dei Funaioli delimited with n. 7 (seven) barriers and having a width not less than 3.50 metres.
• the establishment of a ban on vehicular transit in via dei Mulinacci;
• the establishment of one-way traffic in via dei Funaioli in the stretch between viale Italia and via della Bassata (direction viale Italia – via della Bassata);
• the establishment of the mandatory Direction on the left in Piazza Giuseppe Emanuele Modigliani near the intersection with Viale Italia (north side lane located as an extension of via Corsica);
• the abrogation of the pedestrian area of the viale of Viale Italia in the stretch between number 36 and the Vittime Moby Prince square, without prejudice to the ban on parking with removal forced in the same stretch;
• the establishment of two-way traffic in the aforementioned section of the Viale Italia service road;
• the establishment of a maximum speed limit of 20 km/h in the aforementioned section of the service road viale Italia. Participants in the ride will have to return to their destinations independently in full compliance with the Highway Code, as other services cannot be guaranteed after hours 1.00pm.