Acquario di Livorno
1 Piazzale Mascagni
57127 Livorno (LI)
Tel.: +39 0586-269.111
From North*:
- A12 Genoa–Rosignano motorway, Livorno exit, then Livorno-Civitavecchia trunk road, Livorno South exit, continuing towards Livorno – Port, and the aquarium is after 2 km.
*Coming to Livorno with SGC FI-PI-LI, please exit at "Livorno Centro" - Follow direction "Lungomare di Livorno" or "Acquario di Livorno".
From East:
- A11 Firenze–coast motorway, turning towards Livorno-Rosignano, Livorno exit, then Livorno-Civitavecchia trunk road, Livorno South exit, continuing towards Livorno – Port, and the aquarium is after 2 km.
From South:
- Civitavecchia–Livorno northwards, Livorno exit, then Livorno-Civitavecchia trunk road, Livorno South exit, continuing towards Livorno – Port, and the aquarium is after 2 km.
Sat-nav settings: Livorno, Piazzale Pietro Mascagni or Spiazzo Alberto Razzauti.
Pisa – Livorno – Rome line.
Get off at Livorno Central Station and take the Bus 1+ from the station forecourt (Piazza Dante) towards Miramare. Get off at the Viale Italia-Terrazza Mascagni stop.
To consult bus timetable
Livorno Aquarium has a parking area in front of it with space for 120 cars, 4 of which are free disabled parking spaces. It's allowed to enter in the parking area to mini pullman ( 25 prs), camper and roulette. It is not allowed to enter in the parking area to buses, pullman (50 prs) and scooter/motorbikes.
Areas for campers near Acquario di Livorno in Livorno are:
- Parco del Mulino, area camper a Livorno: Per info
- Campeggio Villaggio Miramare: Via del Littorale, 220 - 57128 Livorno (Tel. 0039/ 0586/580402 -
Daytime parking prices cars (9 am to 9 pm) are € 1.50 for the first full or partial hour, € 1.50 for the second full or partial hour, and € 1.00 from the third hour for every subsequent full or partial hour.
Night-time parking prices cars (9 pm to 9 am) are € 1.50 for the first full or partial hour, € 1.50 for the second full or partial hour, and free from the third hour from 9 pm to 9 am.
Daytime parking prices camper (9 am to 9 pm) are € 3,00 for the first full or partial hour, € 3,00 for the second full or partial hour, and € 2,00 from the third hour for every subsequent full or partial hour.
Night-time parking price camper ( 9 am to 9 pm) are € 3,00 for the first full or partial, € 3,00 for the second full or partial hour, and free from the third hour from 9 pm to 9 am